Benefit Cosmetics LLC

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Career World

So, you are graduating soon...and you do not have a job lined up...and you are not quite ready for the big ole’ career world. No Problem! There are so many jobs where you can still enjoy a career without being tied down to an 8 to 5 job. What about working in the cruise ship industry? You can work for the cruise line Princess Cruises, where you can either work shipboard or on land. While working for Princess you can enjoy many perks, like traveling to fabulous islands or receiving discounts on cruise packages. Another option is working for a manufacture in product development and merchandising, where you can travel the country introducing new products to the masses. Or work in product design and management, in this career path you will work with and travel to foreign countries to ensure products are being developed correctly. It is amazing how many different career options are available when you do some research.

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